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problem using Jeditable + ajaxUpload

I managed to use jEditable selects, inputs and textareas quite easily, but I have problems with uploading files :

I can't manage to send $_POST values along with the $_FILES values, and no extra data is passed through submitdata...

Here is my code :

    indicator : "<img src='img/indicator.gif'>",
    type      : 'ajaxupload',
    submit    : 'Envoyer',
    cancel    : 'Annuler',
    tooltip   : "Cliquer pour modifier...",
    submitdata : {row: "photo"}

When I do a print_r($GLOBALS);, $_GET and $_POST arrays are empty...

Did I miss something ?

Thank you


  • The jeditable.ajaxupload plugin does not submit the 'submitdata' setting's.

    I did some modification to the plugin to include submitdata and also the element's id in the submission (through querystring). You have to use $_GET to get the extra data.

    Here is the link :