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Why does this code crash with address randomization on?

I am learning amd64 assembler, and trying to implement a simple Unix filter. For an unknown reason, even simplified to the bare minimum version (code below), it crashes at random.

I tried to debug this program in GNU Debugger (gdb). In the default configuration of gdb, the program runs fine, but if I enable address randomization (set disable-randomization off), the program starts crashing (SIGSEGV). The problematic instruction is marked in the listing:

format ELF64 executable

sys_read                        =       0
sys_write                       =       1
sys_exit                        =       60

entry $
    label .inbuf   at rbp - 65536
    label .outbuf  at .inbuf - 65536
    label .endvars at .outbuf
    mov rbp, rsp

    mov rax, sys_read
    mov rdi, 0
    lea rsi, [.inbuf]
    mov rdx, 65536

    xor ebx, ebx
    cmp eax, ebx
    jl .read_error
    jz .exit

    mov r8, rax  ; r8  - count of valid bytes in input buffer
    xor r9, r9   ; r9  - index of byte in input buffer, that is being processed.
    xor r10, r10 ; r10 - index of next free position in output buffer.

    cmp r9, r8
    jg .exit
    mov al, [.inbuf + r9]
    mov [.outbuf + r10], al ;; SIGSEGV here in GDB
    inc r10
    inc r9
    jmp .next_byte

    mov rax, sys_exit
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rax, sys_write
    mov rdi, 1
    lea rsi, [.outbuf]
    mov rdx, r10

    mov rax, sys_exit
    xor rdi, rdi

This program is meant to read at most 64kB from stdin, store it into a buffer on the stack, copy the read data byte-by-byte into the output buffer and write the content of the output buffer to the standard output stream. Essentially, it should behave as a limited version of cat.

On my computer, it either works as intended, or crashes with SIGSEGV, with an approximate rate of 1 successful run to 4 crashes.


  • The red zone in amd64 is only 128 bytes long, but you're using 131072 bytes below rsp. Move the stack pointer down to encompass the buffers that you want to store on the stack.