In the following snippet, the first argument to foo
, SNat @n
, is assembled manually:
[e|foo $(appTypeE (conE 'SNat) n')|]
n' = litT . numTyLit . fromIntegral $ n
Is there concrete TH quasiquoter syntax for this? I.e. I'd like to write something like
[e|foo (SNat @$n')|]
but that is seemingly parsed as if I was applying an infix operator ($@)
> runQ [e|foo (SNat @$n')|]
AppE (VarE foo) (InfixE (Just (ConE SNat)) (UnboundVarE @$) (Just (VarE n')))
Interestingly, the [e| |]
quasi-quoter does seem to support the concrete syntax for non-quasi visible type application:
> runQ [e|foo (SNat @5)|]
AppE (VarE foo) (AppTypeE (ConE SNat) (LitT (NumTyLit 5)))
let n = 5
n' = litT $ numTyLit $ fromIntegral n
in runQ [e| foo (SNat @($n')) |]
-- ==>
AppE (UnboundVarE foo) (AppTypeE (UnboundVarE SNat) (LitT (NumTyLit 5)))
A space also works, but I wouldn't use one:
[e| foo (SNat @ $n') |]