The neural network on Darkflow is not training correctly.
At first I thought I did not have enough images, or maybe a bad starting network. So I tried a standard example such as but even then I had the exact same issue (see error image).
I can test with a pre-trained network just fine. It is only when I try to train on a network that I get nonsense. Yet at the end of 100 epochs I have:
step 1100 - loss 1.004814863204956 - moving ave loss 1.1848642304486146 Finish 100 epoch(es)
I am training with:
flow --model cfg/yolo_custom.cfg \
--load bin/yolo.weights \
--train \
--annotation labelImg/annotations \
--dataset labelImg/images \
--epoch 100 \
--gpu 1.0
and testing with:
flow --model cfg/yolo_custom.cfg \
--load bin/yolo.weights \
--demo test_video.mp4 \
(which one can find at that website)
He shows the images he gets on that website. I instead get:
Figured it out. There were 2 things:
1. I needed to tell it to load a particular checkpoint of that configuration with "--load 21000
" (or whatever number was most recent)
2. I needed to overfit it on 3-5 images first, then let it train on the rest of the images.