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TypeGraphQL use TypeORM's findAndCount method

I would like to use TypeORM's findAndCount function which returns Promise<[Entity[], number]> for pagination. So I have a resolver:

offers(@Arg('page', { defaultValue: 1 }) page: number): Promise<[Offer[], number]> {
    const COUNT = 10
    return this.offerRepository.findAndCount({ take: COUNT, skip: (page - 1) * COUNT })

I'm also using type-graphql and want to annotate this resolver with Query annotation like so:

@Query(returns => ???)

However I can't figure out the return type, I tried this (which of course didn't work, because of what findAndCount returns):

class TestType {
    @Field(type => [Offer])
    offers: Offer[]

    count: number

And tried using it like this: @Query(returns => [TestType]) and this @Query(returns => TestType).


  • GraphQL doesn't support tuples, so you need to create a response object type:

    class OffersResponse {
      @Field(type => [Offer])
      items: Offer[]
      @Field(type => Int)
      totalCount: number

    And then manually map the tuple to the object:

    @Query(returns => OffersResponse)
    offers(@Arg('page', { defaultValue: 1 }) page: number): Promise<OffersResponse> {
        const COUNT = 10
        const [items, totalCount] = await this.offerRepository.findAndCount(
          { take: COUNT, skip: (page - 1) * COUNT }
        return { items, totalCount }