so I've been working on this project that involves the whole app's view to be flipped by scaling( if its even possible). I've done this before with a label but I have no idea where to start with the whole app.
I plan on pressing a button and then the whole screen flips by scaling.
here is my attempt:
@IBAction func Flip(_ sender: Any) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.0,animations: {
self.UIView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1)
As I said, I dont know where to start, but I was just wondering if it was even possible to have a whole app just flip and if so, is there any way I could get through this problem.
About Duplicate: My Previous question (that was marked as a duplicate) talks about MapBox, and how I can change the Turn-by-Turn UI, but I thought it was better off knowing how to flip the whole app because adding Navigation and Mapbox to the situation makes it a whole different story.
Since UIWindow
inherits from UIView
, you might be able to just apply a transform to it:
// Assuming your AppDelegate has a "window" property.
UIApplication.shared.delegate!.window!.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1)