I have a SortedList that adds KeyValuePairs every 10 min. I'm trying to keep the most recent 10 KeyValuePairs and remove all prior pairs but what I'm doing isn't working. Below I attached my code with explanation along each step. Any help is greatly appreciated.
private SortedList<int, double> myList = new SortedList<int, double>();
// Every 10 minutes a new KeyValuePair is added to myList so
// I have no issue with sorting. I'm only trying to get the most
// recent 10 KeyValuePairs.
// My Attempt (the only one that worked without errors)
int mylistCount = 10;
if (myList.Count()>mylistCount)
// The issue with my attempt is that it erases the entire myList
// As a result, whenever myList reaches 10, it goes back to Zero.
// What I'm trying to do is keep myList Count at 10 containing only
// the most recent KeyValuePairs.
** In myList, the Key int is PlayerID# (which is random) and the Value is that Player's Score %
To answer your questions:
How about using a LinkedList instead of a SortedList.
if(myLinkedList.Count() > 10)
This will always remove the first added item of the list.