I'm working on a mobile app using Phonegap/Cordova. I built the ipa file using Phonegap Build and installed it on my iPhone.
I noticed when I scroll up or down at the edges of the view (like iOS bounce scrolling), the whole application view scrolls down (or up) and a gray background color appears.
I tried finding if there's a CSS code for that, but no luck. I'm guessing maybe its something related to view-port.
Things to Consider: - I'm using Framework7 v3 - PhoneGap Build cli-6.5.0 - iPhone 6S Plus
Screenshots of the issue:
What can be done to fix this bug?
Add the following to to your config.xml
and then run cordova prepare
<platform name="ios">
<preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />
<preference name="UIWebViewBounce" value="false" />