In the current system I'm working on I need to have functionality for ammendments.
That being that a user can create an ammendment package and that package contains new version of various domain objects (not structure changes just data changes).
I want to have an "AmmendmentPackage" that contains all of the ammendments that are to be made to various different types of elements.
So far I have
public class AmmendmentPackage : BaseObject
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Description { get; set; }
public int MajorVersionNumber { get; set; }
public int MinorVersionNumber { get; set; }
public bool IsGazetted { get; set; }
public AmmendmentPackageState State { get; set; }
public class Ammendment<T>
public T AmmendedElement{get;set;}
public AmmendmentState State {get;set;}
public ConcurrencyDetails ConcurrencyState { get; set; }
How do I go about having the AmmendmentPackage contain number of different Ammentments of various types. I was thinking about using ICollection but then I would have an ICollection<Ammenndment<T>>
and I could only have one type of ammendment in the package.
Also was considering using a dictionary but not 100% sure how I would work that in just yet, hopefully I haven't missed something really basic but would appreciate some ideas.
This is not possible.
You cannot have a strongly-typed collection that holds different types of objects.
Instead, you should make a non-generic base class or interface and make a collection of those.