According to I tried to add custom tag to htmlpurifier. But it works only for known tags like <form> or <name>
require_once __DIR__ . '/htmlpurifier-4.10.0/library/';
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1);
$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
$form = $def->addElement(
'action*' => 'URI',
'method' => 'Enum#get|post',
'name' => 'ID'
$form->excludes = array('form' => true);
$vroundrect = $def->addElement(
'Optional: Flow|Inline',
'xmlns:v' => 'CDATA',
'xmlns:w' => 'CDATA'
$vroundrect->excludes = array('v:roundrect' => true);
$mytag = $def->addElement(
'Optional: Flow|Inline',
$mytag->excludes = array('mytag' => true);
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
print $purifier->purify(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/tmpHTML2.txt'));
I have tried HTML.Allowed like this:
$validTags = '*[id|class|name],br,a[href|title|rel|target],' .
'img[src|alt|height|width],div,' .
$config->set('HTML.Allowed', $validTags);
This does not work. Whatewer I do not wand to replace available tag list, I want to add new tags to available tag list.
<v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word">11111111</v:roundrect>
<mytag>mytag content</mytag>
<form id="x" method="POST" action=""></form>
result: 11111111<form action=""></form>
tags <v:roundrect> and <mytag> was ignored. Tag <form> was sanitized more then was expected.
I have tried this code on another computer and it is works. I think it was a problem with cache. Looks like directive $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); does not disable cache. I will try to remove files from library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer. Whatever the problem is resolved.