Search code examples

How to manipulate LatLng objects?

I am running a request towards a database and gets (as shown with JSON.Stringify() in the console:

sites : [{"siteName":"Site de Marseille",
"siteAdress1":"rue du string",

This is a record with some properties and one property is an array of Lat/Lng. To get this record I have the following code:

.subscribe(response => {
  this.sites = response;
  console.log('sites : ' + JSON.stringify(this.sites));

I am getting an Observable() that I show in the console.

I would like to get the Point property and push it to an array of arrays as it could exist many records sent back by the back-end. The goal is to have nested coordinates that could draw polygons on Google Map with Angular Google Map angular component

For this, I have declared:

rectangles: Array<Array<LatLngLiteral>> = [];

and under the "subscribe" do a:

.subscribe(response => {
  this.sites = response;

rectangles is empty.

Any idea that could help me a lot please?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • I see in your datastructure that sites is an array. So if you do this.sites.points it will be undefined.

    What you want is: this.rectangles.push( => s.points))

    The difference is you tried to access the property sites on an array. Arrays don't have that property, consequently it is undefined. Arrays are build in data structures with a defined set of functions and properties like length or map

    For example:

    const exampleObject = {propertyA: "value", propertyB: "another value" }
    //access properties on object
    //"another value"
    const exampleArray = ["one", "two", "three"]
    //propertyA does not exists = undefined
    //lenght property exists on all arrays = 3

    Arrays do have a function called map this means call a function on every element and return a new array. It is commonly used to transform data structures or to get a deeper nested element.

    This is just shorthand: => s.points)

    Actually it means this:

    const pointsArray = => {
           //s is a single element in sites array
           // s has property points which is an array
           return s.points
    // now we have an array of points, we can add it to rectangles

    Hope it is more clear now.