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Update MongoDB collection where field doesn't exist

I want to update every record in a collection that doesn't contain a particular field.

The following query works using Mongo shell, but I am struggling to write this using the mongoDB.Driver in .Net.

    { MemberRoleType: { $exists: false }},
    { $set: { MemberRoleType: 4 },
    { multi: true }

I've attempted various methods such as follows but can't achieve the result I'm looking for :

await comments.UpdateManyAsync(c => c.MemberRoleType == 0, Builders<Comment>.Update.Set(x => x.MemberRoleType, ContentRoleType.Online)));


  • I believe you are looking for exists

    Builders<Comments>.Filter.Exists(x => x.MemberRoleType, false);

    You should be able to use it like so

    var filter = Builders<Comments>.Filter.Exists(x => x.MemberRoleType, false);
    await comments.UpdateManyAsync(filter, Builders<Comment>.Update.Set(x => x.MemberRoleType, ContentRoleType.Online)));

    Which in turn generates this query

            "q": {
                "MemberRoleType": {
                    "$exists": false
            "u": {
                "$set": {
                    "MemberRoleType": 4
            "multi": true