I want to create .bat file, what must call nhttp.exe and put in this .exe file my password.But noone commands don`t works for me.
nhttp.exe 'my-pass'
[2388:0002-4180] The ID file being used is: C:\Program Files
[2388:0002-4180] Enter password (press the Esc key to abort):
Domino Designer's local nhttp is not the same as the server's nhttp with regard to XPages. If you're doing development, install a Domino server locally. That is best practice and why I worked with IBM for over a year to get a non-production license for Domino, which is what's now available with the Community Server license. Links for the Community Server (a separate package but same code-set as the full server) can be found at the bottom of Thomas Hampel's blog post https://blog.thomashampel.com/blog/tomcat2000.nsf/dx/v10.0.1-has-arrived.htm. There is also the IBM Docker image which can be used to run a Domino server in Docker for Windows https://github.com/IBM/domino-docker.