I start using NgRx and am a little lost to access the data contained in the State. I searched several hours before asking my question because I did not really find an answer.
When using NgRx to display the data on a list, it's fabulous. I wanted to go more using NgRx to group the settings of my application with my SettingsState.
I would like to put particular in my SettingsState: - the base URL for API requests, - the number of lines to display in a list: important during API requests to limit the data to be retrieved. - ...
When I'm in an Effect, how can I directly retrieve my important parameters to launch my API requests?
I understood that to recover the data, it is necessary to use the "selectors" to obtain an "Observable" which will allow me to be informed as soon as a change will arrive.
However, here I want the values now without waiting to launch my API requests. How can I do ?
thank you in advance
As you correctly pointed out, you should use selectors to access Data from your store. You can use selectors in components, but also in effects.
Look at this example effect:
export class ElementEffects {
constructor (private store: Store<any>, private apiService: ApiService) {}
public yourEffect: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
concatMap(([action, selectedDateFromTheStore]) => this.apiService.doBackendCall(selectedDateFromTheStore, action.payload).pipe(
map(([resultFromTheBackendCall, selectedDateFromTheStore]) => {
// Do Stuff
catchError((error) => of(new FailureAction(error)))
The "withLatestFrom" allows you to add another observable to your chain. You will have the result instantly and you can use it.