I got a legacy database where (unfortunately) foreign keys are placed rarely. If i create my own foreign key (column A.testnr points on B.nummer) in java hibernate is using the primary key of A (column id) which results (as expected) in an error.
Ive read that i have to place a mappedBy-Reference on the column of class B. The primary key in class B is a number, I tried to change it to a Set(A) but then im getting some persistence error.
Mapping ManyToOne-Relation - A.testnr -> B.nummer
Class A
@Column(name = "NUMMER", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 22,
scale = 0)
public BigDecimal getNummer() {
return this.nummer;
public void setNummer(BigDecimal nummer) {
this.nummer = nummer;
@JoinColumn(name = "nummer", referencedColumnName = "nummer")
public B getTestnr() {
return this.testnr;
public void setTestnr(B testnr) {
this.testnr = testnr;
Class B
@Column(name = "NUMMER", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 22,
scale = 0)
public BigDecimal getNummer() {
return this.nummer;
public void setNummer(BigDecimal nummer) {
this.nummer = nummer;
Error Message: javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException cause the primary key in A (A.nummer) is understandably not part of B.nummer.
As I already told i tried using a MappedBy-Reference and changed the BigDecimal PK in class B to a Set(A).
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "testnr")
@Column(name = "NUMMER", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 22,
scale = 0)
public Set<A> getNummern() {
return this.nummern;
public void setNummern(Set<A> nummern) {
this.nummern = nummern;
With this change im getting a runtime error probably due to discrepancies in the persistence layer.
Is my goal, to Map a non-primary-key to a primary key of another class even possible with hibernate or is this a situation where im forced to use native sql ?
In order for you to make a join on a non-indexed column, that's absolutely right, you have to use
. However in your second code snipped you marked your@ManyToOne
collection as id, which is incorrect. If I understood you correctly, multiple A.nummer belong to a single B.testnr.
This is how you get what you want:
Class A, nummer which belongs to testnr.
@Table(name = "a_table")
public class A {
@Id // a_table_id
@Column(name = "NUMMER", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 22)
private BigDecimal nummer;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "nummer", referencedColumnName = "nummer")
// make sure referenced column name matches column in table B
private B testnr;
public BigDecimal getNummer() {
return this.nummer;
public void setNummer(BigDecimal nummer) {
this.nummer = nummer;
public B getTestnr() {
return this.testnr;
public void setTestnr(B testnr) {
this.testnr = testnr;
Class B, testnr that has multiple nummers.
@Table(name = "b_table")
public class B {
@Id // b_table_id
@Column(name = "b_table_id")
private BigDecimal testnr;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "testnr")
private Set<A> nummern;
public Set<A> getNummern() {
return this.nummern;
public void setNummern(Set<A> nummern) {
this.nummern = nummern;