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What characters are allowed in an OAuth2 access token?

RFC6749 and RFC6750 seem to disagree with one another about what characters are allowed in an OAuth2 Access Token.

Section A.12 of RFC6749 (the original OAuth2 spec) defines the access token format as follows:

A.12. "access_token" Syntax

The "access_token" element is defined in Sections 4.2.2 and 5.1:

access-token = 1*VSCHAR 

In ABNF format, VSCHAR means:

VSCHAR = %x20-7E

(This is basically all printable ASCII characters)

However, in RFC6750 (which deals with the usage of OAuth2 bearer tokens) Section 2.1 seems to set out a stricter subset of allowed characters for access tokens.

The syntax for Bearer credentials is as follows:

b64token    = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT /
                   "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" ) *"="
credentials = "Bearer" 1*SP b64token

So that's a more restrictive set of characters, including only alphanumeric, six special characters, and trailing = for padding.

My questions are:

  1. Which of these documents is controlling? Does RFC6750 take precedence because it's more restrictive?

  2. In terms of actual implementations "in the wild", are access tokens always limited to the RFC6750 charset?

  3. Bonus question: Does anyone know why these two specs published the same month on such closely related topics disagree on the access token format?


  • TL;DR: There's no conflict between the standards. OAuth access tokens can generally contain any printable ASCII character, but if the access token is a Bearer token it must use "token64" syntax to be HTTP/1.1 compliant.

    RFC 6749, §1.4 tells us: "An access token is a string" and "usually opaque to the client". §A.12 defines it as one or more printable ASCII characters ([ -~]+ in regex terms).

    RFC 6749 defines various methods for obtaining an access token, but doesn't concern itself with how to actually use an access token, other than saying that you "present it" to a resource server, which must validate and then accept or reject it.

    But RFC 6749 does require the authorization server to tell the client the token type (another string), which the client can use to determine how the access token is used.

    A token type string is either an IANA-registered type name (like Bearer or mac), or a vendor URL (like, though the URL is just a conveniently namespaced identifier, and doesn't have to resolve to anything.

    In most deployments, the token type will be Bearer, the semantics of which are defined in RFC 6750.

    RFC 6750 defines three methods (§§2.1–2.3) of presenting a Bearer access token to the resource server. The recommended method (which resource servers must support to be standards compliant) is to send it in the HTTP Authorization header (§2.1), in which case the token must be a "b64token" ([-a-zA-Z0-9._~+/]+=* in regex terms).

    This matches what the HTTP/1.1 spec calls a "token68" (RFC 7235 §2.1), and is necessary to allow the token to be used unquoted in the HTTP Authorization header. (As for why HTTP/1.1 allows those exact characters, it comes down to historical reasons related to the HTTP/1.0 and Basic authentication standards, as well as limitations in current and historical HTTP implementations. Network protocols are a messy business.)

    A "b64token" (aka "token68") permits a subset of ASCII characters usually used with base64 encoding, but (despite the name) the Bearer token does not impose any base64 semantics. It's just an opaque string that the client receives from one server and passes on to another. Implementations may assign semantics to it (e.g. JWT), but that's beyond the OAuth or Bearer token standards.

    RFC 6750 doesn't state that a Bearer access token must be a b64token if used with the other two (unrecommended) methods, but given that the client is supposed to be able to choose the method, it wouldn't make much sense to give it a non-b64token token.

    Other OAuth token types might not rely on being passed unquoted in an HTTP header (or they might not use HTTP at all), and would thus be free to use any printable ASCII character. This might e.g. be useful for token types that are not opaque to the client; as an example, I'm currently dealing with a setup in which the access token response looks a bit like this:

      "access_token": "{\"endpoint\": \"\", \"session_id\": \"fafc2fd\"}",
      "token_type": "",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "refresh_token": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA"

    Here, the access token is a JSON-encoded data structure, which the client must act upon (according to rules associated with the vendor token type) to access the protected resource.