I'm curently working on a machine-learning project. I use Python3 with tensorflow to train a CNN neural network and I would like to measure its performance by using tensorboard.
I would like to measure the loss value per epoch. But instead of having only 1 graph with in X the value of the epoch and in Y the value of the loss, I have 2 graphs, one with epochs value and the other the loss value.
I put a screen-shot here:
There is the training part of my code:
with tf.Session(config = config) as sess:
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(graphDirectory, sess.graph)
# Generate shepp logan for validation
x_arr_validate, y_arr_validate, x_true_arr_validate, y_true_arr_validate = generateData(datasize,nbiter,reco_space,operator,pseudoinverse,validation=True )
for step in tqdm(range(epoch)):
#Generate trading data
x_arr, y_arr, x_true_arr, y_true_arr = generateData(datasize,nbiter,reco_space,operator,pseudoinverse)
feed_dict = {x0: x_arr,
x_true: x_true_arr,
y: y_arr}
_,loss_training = sess.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict)
feed_dictValidate = {x0 : x_arr_validate,
x_true : x_true_arr_validate,
y : y_arr_validate}
x_values_result, loss_result = sess.run([x_values, loss], feed_dictValidate)
lossSummary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag="loss", simple_value=loss_result)])
epochSummary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag="epoch", simple_value=step)])
saver.save(sess, sessFileName,write_meta_graph=True)
I try to change:
But that doesn't work.
I aslo try to create an array:
step_per_epoch = []
x_values_result, loss_result = sess.run([x_values, loss], feed_dictValidate)
lossSummary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag="loss", simple_value=step_per_epoch)])
But got the following error:
lossSummary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag="loss", simple_value=loss_per_epoch)])
TypeError: [] has type list, but expected one of: int, long, float
I have no idea. Any hints or tips ? Thanks you
If you want to see the epochs in the horizontal axis, then you have to pass a global_step
parameter along with the summary (see the documentation for tf.summary.FileWriter.add_summary
). In your case, that would be:
writer.add_summary(lossSummary, step)
writer.add_summary(epochSummary, step)
Alternatively, if you change the "Horizontal Axis" selection in this panel:
From "Step" to "Relative" or "Wall" you will have relative or absolute time stamps in the X axis, which will allow you to see the progress.