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Ceph Nautilus : How to enable the Ceph MGR dashboard

I have recently installed Ceph Nautilus.

ceph version 14.2.1 (d555a9489eb35f84f2e1ef49b77e19da9d113972) nautilus (stable)

I cannot see any "dashboard" module (neither in enabled nor in disabled state). I an checking through "ceph mgr module ls"

If I try to enable it, I get following error.

[user@system mydir]$ ceph mgr module enable dashboard
Error ENOENT: all mgr daemons do not support module 'dashboard', pass --force to force enablement

How can I enable the dashboard module?


    1. Install the appropriate package from the below link
    # rpm -Uvh

    Note: it will ask for few dependencies, install with yum/apt package manager and then execute the above command.

    1. Enable the ceph mgr dashboard
    # ceph mgr module enable dashboard 
    # ceph mgr module ls 
    1. Create self-signed certificate
    # sudo ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert 
    Self-signed certificate created 
    1. Create a user for Dashboard
    Example: [ceph dashboard ac-user-create (username) (password) administrator]
    # ceph dashboard ac-user-create cent password administrator 
    {"username": "cent", "lastUpdate": 1560292901, "name": null, "roles": ["administrator"], "password": "$2b$12$w60gItcbKd6PULNYI9McmOBMiAzFoKJ9T9XGva8vC6dxIyqMsE4kK", "email": null}
    # ceph mgr services 
        "dashboard": "https://ceph-mgr:8443/"

    Note: Here you can access with IP address of ceph-mgr node, instead of hostname.

    1. Make sure firewall port is open
    # firewall-cmd --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent 
    # firewall-cmd --reload 
    1. Open the dashboard url in any browser
    https://ceph-mgr:8443 or
    1. Enter the username: cent and password: password

    Here you go...