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Throwing std::exception in CLI throws Access Violation

I am forced to use CLI because of some C# dependencies in my C++ code. Before this dependency came in, I wrote an exception, which inherits from std::exception. Whenever I throw this exception now, my program crashes with an access violation exception comming from ntd.dll.

So I put the header file, which contains the exception in a new CLI project and tried to compile it. This gave me the error, that "exception" is not a member of std. After including <exception>, this error was gone (of course), but I wonder, why this wasn't necessary before.. Anyways, here's my code in the basic example:

The exception header:

#pragma once

#include <exception>

//Device is offline
struct E_DvcOffline : public std::exception
    const char * what() const throw ()
        return "The Device is offline";

The main function:

#include <MyExceptions.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace System;

int main(array<String^>^ args) {

    try {

        throw E_DvcOffline();
    catch (E_DvcOffline) {

        std::cout << "Caught it" << std::endl;


And the exception I receive, when the code throws my custom exception:

Not able to embed pictures yet...

Thanks in advance, Calvin


throw new E_DvcOffline(); changed to throw E_DvcOffline();


  • I was able to fix the problem.

    #pragma once
    **#pragma managed(push, off)**
    #include <exception>
    //Device is offline
    struct E_DvcOffline : public std::exception
        const char * what() const throw ()
            return "The Device is offline";
    **#pragma managed(pop)**

    Changes are bolt. I didn't search for it, but I think, that this tells the compiler to treat this code as unmanaged and therefore calls the native exception handler.

    Warning: Visual Studio will eventually yield the same error as before, when you go through the code step by step in debug mode. Otherwise everything works fine.