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Passing parameters to Glue job from AWS Lambda

We need to pass 4 parameters from AWS Lambda to AWS Glue job while triggering Glue job.

response = client.start_job_run(JobName = 'my_test_Job',
         Arguments = {
           '--yr_partition_val':   2017,
           '--mon_partition_val':  05,
           '--date_partition_val':  25,
           '--hour_partition_val': 07 } )

Glue need to catch these 4 parameters to proceed further in pyspark glue code.

I have tried using below in glue to catch parameters:

import sys
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions

args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv,

but got the error as:

self.error(_('argument %s is required') % name)
awsglue.utils.GlueArgumentError: argument --JobName is required

Can someone help it out?


  • AWS says '--JOB_NAME' is internal to Glue and should not be set. Also, the arguments are case-sensitive.

    When calling from -

    Glue API

    Name='job_name_value' needs to be specified as first argument

    Lambda API

    JobName='job_name_value' needs to be specified as first argument See Example below:

        current_year_full = '2019'
        current_month = '01'
        current_day = '21' 
        current_hour = '01'
        int_bucket_name = 'datascience-ca-input'
        glue_job_name = os.getenv("job_name")
        response = gl.start_job_run(
                JobName = glue_job_name,
                Arguments = {
                    '--intermediate_bucket_name': int_bucket_name,
                    '--year_partition_value': current_year_full,
                    '--month_partition_value': current_month,
                    '--date_partition_value': current_day,
                    '--hour_partition_value': current_hour } )