How can I extract currency symbol from strings which contain both amount and symbols. These strings can be in any international formats as I'm getting them from NumberFormatter
. Some examples of such strings and their results are as follows:-
$446.99 =-> $
US$445,34 45 => US$
445,34 45 US$ => US$
THB567 => THB
567 THB => THB
and many more.
I already know about NumberFormatter
properties currencySymbol
, internationalCurrencySymbol
but they don't help in getting to a universal solution as in case of US$ they return you $ and USD respectively. If there is any regex
out there then I'm happy to try that too.
PS: I need this information to format my currency symbols according to following pic:-
This is one of the methods which filter out
the mention characters from a String
let filteredString = String("567 THB".filter { String($0).rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789.,")) == nil }).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
//TBH <- prints