I start to use lib @line/bot.sdk and want to get displayName from function and return it but it didn't return displayName it return 'undefined'
Here is function
client.getProfile(userID).then((profile) => {
let name = profile.displayName
let ID = profile.userId
console.log('record Name : ' + name);
return name
//console.log('record ID : ' + ID)
//console.log('record Pic : '+profile.pictureUrl )
//console.log('record Status :'+profile.statusMessage)
}).catch((err) => {
return "Error"
console.log can get displayName but the function return with 'undefined' i want it to return displayName too
Your problem is because JavaScript is Asynchronous, so you can't just return a value inside a asynchronous function, you need to use a promise or callback :
record: function(userID, callback){
client.getProfile(userID).then((profile) => {
// return your name inside a callback function
callback(null, profile.displayName);
}).catch((err) => {
callback(err, null);
// Call your function and get return 'name'
record(userId, function(err, name) {
if (err) throw err;
// Continue here
I recommand you to read this article Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript to get more information
Hope it helps.