when I run
> git log --oneline
I get output that looks like this
abcdef0 (head, branch, origin/branch) comment
0987654 different comment
1234567 (different-branch, origin/branch) third comment
But as soon as I pipe the output to anything (e.g. > git log --oneline | cat
), the branch names are gone
abcdef0 comment
0987654 different comment
1234567 third comment
This means I can't grep, or add line numbers, or anything like that.
(It's also missing the colors and less
style behavior, but I don't care about that either way today)
Is this something I can re-enable via a command-line parameter?
For start, I too had noticed the lack of colors after a pipe to bash, but what you describe about decorations (branch and tag names) disappearing is odd. Let's adress them separately.
Adressing the branch names (decorations) themselves
is the flag for that, for a one-shot use.
For the permanent effect, you can set it in your config
log.decorate true
And for a more specific need, note you can use it in a pretty format, with the placeholder %d
, for example :
git log -10 --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %C(reset)%aN %ar %C(red)%d %C(reset)%s"
for a result that looks like this
About colors
No, I don't know how / why it breaks when it's passed to bash, I'll let more advanced users answer that part. (and as I said, on a personal note I'm very glad you asked this question because I'm eager to know that too - Edit : thanks torek! :-) )