I have an api endpoint which I'd like to post text to as the body.
I've tried this code:
@post('/my-endpoint', {
responses: {}
async createFromCsv(
@requestBody({content: {'application/text': {}}}) csv: string,
// code
but get an error:
UnsupportedMediaTypeError: Content-type application/text is not supported.
I kind of pieced together the code above from the comments I found here: https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/blob/8ae8a0a81db205f052b81caaceece5303cd80ff2/packages/openapi-v3/src/decorators/request-body.decorator.ts#L68
How can I have a text request body?
Turns out the code I picked out of the comments wasn't totally sensible.
The proper content type for text is text/plain
@requestBody({content: {'text/plain': {}}}) csv: string
There is also text/csv
and text/html
More info on MIME types here (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)