Hello there I am familiar with reflection quite a bit, I have been through loads of examples and I know how it works and for what purpose we can use it. But I didn't get any examples of caching the reflection, neither do I know what does it mean. And somehow I have to use caching of reflection in of the projects that I am doing.
Therefore, I would be obliged if some one can briefly explain this concept as well as give some examples of it, a link to existing examples would also be appreciated. And please also describe the reflection of attributes as well as its caching. Thanks in advance.
Regards Umair
You would cache it like you would anything else:
var cache = new Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<Attribute>>();
// obj is some object
var type = obj.GetType();
var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), true);
cache.Add(type, attributes);