I have a table with these columns shipped_date, Promise_date
Example (consider that the current date is today's date which is "20/6/2019"):
Shipped_date Promise_date
20/1/2019 15/1/2019
Null 19/6/2019
Null 25/6/2019
How can I make an if condition that gives output
1- if shipped_date = null and promise_date < today's date then "yes"
2- if shipped_date = null and promise_date >= today's date then "no"
i tried to write Dax code but i succeded in another condition when shipped_date have value and promise_date is not today's date
if [JC_ShippedDate] < [PromiseDate] then "Completed early"
else if [JC_ShippedDate] > [PromiseDate] then "Completed behind schedule"
else if [JC_ShippedDate] = [PromiseDate] then "Completed on time" else "open"
error is
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value null to type Logical.
Not sure exactly what you are looking for but in DAX, something like this will do the trick:
Test =
VAR Today =
NOW ()
TRUE (),
AND ( ISBLANK ( 'Table'[Shipped_Date] ), 'Table'[Promise_Date] < Today ), "Yes",
AND ( ISBLANK ( 'Table'[Shipped_Date] ), 'Table'[Promise_Date] >= Today ), "No",
'Table'[Shipped_Date] > 'Table'[Promise_Date], "x"
After testing on your data I get the following: