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Migrate TFS 2018 Update 3 to Azure DevOps Services

I'm trying to migrate from TFS 2018 version 16.131.28106.2 (Tfs2018.Update3) to Azure DevOps using migration tool in this link


but when i try to run the below command I'm getting below error


C:\TFSMigrator\DataMigrationTool>Migrator validate /collection:http://192.168.1. 19:8080/tfs/ProductsEngine


The data migration tool was unable to find an installation path for the Azure De vOps Server Application Tier. Either Azure DevOps Server is not installed, you a re using a version of the data migration tool that isn't supported for your vers ion of Azure DevOps Server, or you are using a version of Azure DevOps Server th at is not supported for import.

See to check that your version of Azure DevOps Server is supported for import. See to download the Migrator version that works with your Azure DevOps Server version. See for details on running Migrator on your collection.

please advise.


  • Read the documentation that the error message provided.

    The data migration tool for Azure DevOps supports the two latest releases of Azure DevOps Server at a given time. Releases include updates and major releases. Currently the following versions of Azure DevOps Server are supported for import:

    • Azure DevOps Server 2019
    • Azure DevOps Server 2019.0.1

    You will note that TFS 2018 is not a supported version. You will have to upgrade first.