i downloaded scans of standford bunny from here
there is conf file, that contains transformations of scans, that looks like this:
camera -0.0172 -0.0936 -0.734 -0.0461723 0.970603 -0.235889 0.0124573
bmesh bun000.ply 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
bmesh bun045.ply -0.0520211 -0.000383981 -0.0109223 0.00548449 -0.294635 -0.0038555 0.955586
what i want to do is to get these 2 scans into the same coordinate system using point cloud library, but i don't understand values of these transformations
i found tutorials on 4x4 matrix transformations, is it possible to create 4x4 matrix from these values? or is this something completely different?
I'm not sure about my answer, judging from the format I think it's position_x position_y position_z quaternion_x quaternion_y quaternion_z quaternion_w
but please check with the code provided below
from transforms3d.quaternions import quat2mat
import numpy as np
# Create Identity transformation for 4x4
T = np.eye(4)
# Caution quat2mat uses w, x, y, z! Need to reorder your quaternion
T[:3, :3] = quat2mat([0.0124573, -0.0461723, 0.970603, -0.235889])
# Insert position x, y, z
T[:3, 3] = [-0.0172, -0.0936, -0.734]
# Print Result
# [[-0.99542587 -0.08375279 0.04596522 -0.0172 ]
# [-0.09550694 0.8844491 -0.45675838 -0.0936 ]
# [-0.00239911 -0.45905911 -0.88840249 -0.734 ]
# [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]