I came up with a routine to create a gradient filled rounded rectangle (button), however if I omit the code that writes the outline, the lower-right corner looks square and the upper-right seems to be not quite right either . Why is that?
note: The owner-draw button was created 23x23.
// Purpose: Draw a rounded rectangle for owner-draw button
// Input: dis - [i] owner-draw information structure
// undermouse - [i] flag if button is under mouse
// Output: na
// Notes: This creates a standard grey type rounded rectangle for owner
// drawn buttons.
// This routine does not currently use undermouse to change
// gradient
void DrawRoundedButtonRectangle(const DRAWITEMSTRUCT& dis, BOOL undermouse)
// save DC before we modify it.
// create a path for the round rectangle (right/bottom is RECT format of +1)
RoundRect(dis.hDC, dis.rcItem.left, dis.rcItem.top, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom, 6, 6);
// save DC before changing clipping region
// set clipping region to be the path
SelectClipPath(dis.hDC, RGN_COPY);
TRIVERTEX vertices[2];
// setup the starting location and color (light grey)
vertices[0].x = dis.rcItem.left;
vertices[0].y = dis.rcItem.top;
vertices[0].Red = MAKEWORDHL(211, 0);
vertices[0].Green = MAKEWORDHL(211, 0);
vertices[0].Blue = MAKEWORDHL(211, 0);
vertices[0].Alpha = 0xffff;
// setup the ending location and color (grey)
vertices[1].x = dis.rcItem.right; // should this be -1 ?
vertices[1].y = dis.rcItem.bottom; // should this be -1 ?
vertices[1].Red = MAKEWORDHL(150, 0);
vertices[1].Green = MAKEWORDHL(150, 0);
vertices[1].Blue = MAKEWORDHL(150, 0);
vertices[1].Alpha = 0xffff;
// setup index to use for left to right
r[0].UpperLeft = 0;
r[0].LowerRight = 1;
// fill the DC with a vertical gradient
GradientFill(dis.hDC, vertices, _countof(vertices), r, _countof(r), GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V);
// go back to original clipping area
RestoreDC(dis.hDC, -1);
// change the path to be the outline border
if (WidenPath(dis.hDC)) {
// set clipping region to be the path
SelectClipPath(dis.hDC, RGN_COPY);
// create a gradient on the outline
GradientFill(dis.hDC, vertices, _countof(vertices), r, _countof(r), GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V);
// put back the DC as we received it
RestoreDC(dis.hDC, -1);
The red in the pics show the background.
The bad button is generated when the WidenPath
section is removed.
According to your description, I think you may be talking about this situation.
// RoundRect(dis.hDC, dis.rcItem.left, dis.rcItem.top, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom, 6, 6);
Let me first analyze the reason why I got this shape.
When you redraw the button, if the length and width of the redrawn button are smaller than that of the button itself, only a part of the redrawn will occur.
//Button width:230 Button height:230
button = CreateRoundRectButton(hWnd, 500, 200, 230, 230, 30, 30, BTN_ID);
return 0;
dis.CtlType = ODT_BUTTON;
dis.CtlID = BTN_ID;
dis.hDC = GetDC(button);
dis.rcItem.left = 0;
dis.rcItem.top = 0;
dis.rcItem.right = 200; //Width of redrawing
dis.rcItem.bottom = 200; //Height of redrawing
DrawRoundedButtonRectangle(dis, TRUE);
In order to see the effect more clearly, I will widen the width and height.
If I omit the code that writes the outline, It only executes the following code to implement the gradient.
// fill the DC with a vertical gradient
GradientFill(dis.hDC, vertices, _countof(vertices), r, _countof(r), GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V);
If I change the XY coordinates of the redrawing.
Actually, when you disable RoundRect
, the only thing that works is GradientFill
The redrawn area is based on rcItem
. When you draw a path, it's only the inside area that is considered and the outline is not, so WidenPath
then goes on the outline and that gives the true routed rect