I'm using CXF for a SOAP webservice client and somehow, I'm unable to get a working RetryStrategy as a FailoverFeature. Another LoggingFeature is working fine. This is my Spring configuration:
public MyPort myPort() {
final RetryStrategy retryStrategy = new RetryStrategy();
FailoverFeature failoverFeature = new FailoverFeature();
failoverFeature.setTargetSelector(new FailoverTargetSelector(endpointAddress));
final LoggingFeature logFeature = new LoggingFeature();
MyService service = new MyService(WSDL_LOCATION, logFeature, failoverFeature);
MyPort port = service.getPort();
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(port);
client.getRequestContext().put(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS, endpointAddress);
return port;
CXF seems to happily accept the FailoverFeature at boot time:
INFO org.apache.cxf.clustering.FailoverTargetSelector - corid= Using failover strategy org.apache.cxf.clustering.RetryStrategy@36931450
But a request like the following won't retry because I get a (intended) "502: Connection refused" after about 2sek.
What am I doing wrong?
My workaround is now to use Spring's retry mechanism:
value = {HTTPException.class},
backoff = @Backoff(delay = 3000))
public void callWebservice() { ... }