How do I change the way headers below slide level are converted in LaTeX by pandoc from {block}
environment to \structure{}
Imagine such a Markdown file (
# Slide title
## Header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Let us convert it to LaTeX with the following command:
pandoc -t beamer --slide-level 1 -o foo.tex
The resulting LaTeX file is something similar to:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Is there an easy simple and elegant solution so that pandoc produce something like the following?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Easy to achieve via Lua filters:
function Header (header)
if header.level == 2 then
local inlines = pandoc.List:new{}
inlines:extend {pandoc.RawInline('tex', '\\structure{')}
inlines:extend {pandoc.RawInline('tex', '}')}
return pandoc.Plain(inlines)
Safe the filter to a file and pass that file to pandoc via the --lua-filter