I am using Ayu Mirage theme with Solarized dark color scheme for Sublime Text 3. I have the following settings added. But the side bar font is not changing.
"ui_big_tabs": false,
"ui_fix_tab_labels": true,
"ui_font_default": false,
"ui_font_roboto_mono": false,
"ui_font_size_small": true,
"ui_font_source_code_pro": true,
"ui_native_titlebar": true,
"ui_separator": true,
"ui_wide_scrollbars": false,
I have source code pro and roboto mono fonts installed. I am using macOS Mojave. How to set a monospace font for the sidebar. Is it possible to set Monaco?
Open Sublime Text and and go to Preferences -> Browse Packages...
. From there, open User folder and create file called same as your theme, ayu-mirage.sublime-theme
To modify sidebar labels, write in file:
"class": "sidebar_label",
"color": [255,255,255],
"font.face": "Monaco"
Using JSON, you can modify sidebar labels with Font properties and Shadow properties.