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How to get the longest and the shorted edge of a room boundary?

In the Revit API, I'm trying to get the longest and the shortest edge of a room boundary. (room is a rectangle)

For now, I have a list of 4 bounding edges of a room.(rb_curves) These are curves. I'm trying to sort this list by the length of each curve.

sorted_rb_curves = sorted(rb_curves, key=?)

I'm wondering what I can assign to the 'key' in order to sort.

Your help would be much appreciated!


  • An easy way to sort lists based on object attributes is using lambda. In your case it would be:

    rb_curves.sort(key=lambda x: x.Length)

    where Length is the attribute you are sorting by. Note this modifies your original list (as opposed to creating a new sorted list)

    This would mean rb_curves[0] is the shortest Boundary, rb_curves[-1] is the longest.