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Serial Number of Bootable device

I have to get the serialnumber of the disk on which my operating system is installed.

I know in order to get serial number i need to run:

>wmic diskdrive get serialnumber,capabilities
Capabilities  SerialNumber
{3, 4}        AI92NXXXXXXXX2G02
{3, 4, 7}     1172XXXXXX030

There are no attributes to check if the OS is installed on this disk.


  • Start using wmic partition where Bootable=True and then backtrack to Win32_DiskDrive (a possible approach):

    SETLOCAL EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
    for /F "delims=" %%G in ('
      wmic path Win32_DiskPartition where "Bootable=True" get DeviceID /Value
    ') do ( 
      for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%g in ("%%G") do (
        set "_DiskPartition=%%h"
        REM ECHO set "_DiskPartition=%%h"
        call :GetDiskDriveIdAndOutput
    echo Possibly no linkage to a logical disk:
    2>NUL wmic path Win32_LogicalDisk ^
      ASSOC /RESULTROLE:Antecedent ^
            /ASSOCCLASS:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition ^
    goto :eof
    for /F tokens^=^2^ delims^=^" %%B in ('          
        wmic path Win32_DiskPartition where "Bootable=True" ASSOC /ASSOCCLASS:Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition
      ') do (
          if NOT "%%B"=="%_DiskPartition%" (
            REM ECHO set "_DiskDriveId=%%B"
            set "_DiskDriveId=%%B"
    echo Bootable: Drive = "%_DiskDriveId:\\=\%", Partition = "%_DiskPartition%"
    wmic path Win32_DiskDrive get Capabilities,DeviceId,SerialNumber
    REM wmic path Win32_DiskDrive Where "DeviceId='%_DiskDriveId%'" get Capabilities,DeviceId,SerialNumber
    goto :eof

    Of course, it's improvable from actual output

    Bootable: Drive = "\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0", Partition = "Disk #0, Partition #0"
    Capabilities  DeviceID            SerialNumber
    {3, 4}        \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0  NXXXXXXXXK4R2DT
    {3, 4, 7}     \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1  S0NFJNXXXXXXXX

    to something like

    Capabilities  DeviceID            SerialNumber      Bootable
    {3, 4}        \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0  NXXXXXXXXK4R2DT   True
    {3, 4, 7}     \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1  S0NFJNXXXXXXXX