I am creating a data model for my new project where I have to use Many2Many, Many2One, One2Many reference using flask-mongoengine. Can someone describe how to define Many2Many and other reference field using mongoengine?
The following are the most common ways to do it:
1) 1-to-many with a simple ReferenceField
class Client(Document):
name = StringField()
def account(self):
return Account.objects(client=self).get()
class Account(Document):
client = ReferenceField(Client)
bob = Client(name='Bob').save()
acc1 = Account(client=bob).save()
acc2 = Account(client=bob).save()
2) Many-2-Many with a list(ReferenceField)
class Client(Document):
name = StringField()
def accounts(self):
return Account.objects(client=self)
class M2MAccount(Document):
clients = ListField(ReferenceField(Client))
bob = Client(name='Bob').save()
john = Client(name='John').save()
m2m_acc = M2MAccount(clients=[bob, john]).save()
Note that the @property is optional, its just for convenience