Given a tables
product1_id | score
A | 2
B | 3
product2_id | score
W | 1
X | 2
Y | 3
Z | 4
how can I find the out-of-set percentiles of product1 scores among product2 scores using PostgreSQL to get an expected output of:
product1_id | score | out_of_set_percentile
A | 2 | 50
B | 3 | 75.
In python one way to solve this would be to merge the tables and apply scipy.percentileofscore
from scipy import stats
stats.percentileofscore([1, 2, 3, 4], 3) # 75.0,
but I'd like a way to do this natively in PostgreSQL
Here is a brute force method:
select t1.product_id, t1.score,
avg( (t2.score <= t1.score)::int ) as ratio
from t1 cross join
group by t1.product_id, t1.score;