I have created an app with in-app products. I've added the licensing key and billing permission in my app and created in-app products in the developer console. And I'm using Android In-App Billing v3 Library to handle all purchases operations
The products in the play console are active and I've published the app and I can now see it and download it in the Google Play Store.
The problem is I can't get the in-app products when I try to list any products! They're not showing up in the Play Store, and I get the error: BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE and error value :3
My google play app is updated and is connected with Gmail account
Is there any restrictions for in-app products to show up based on location (I live in Palestine, Gaza) or the problem is pure technical ?? Please help
After several days of searching, I figured out that Palestine in not supported by google play, so I did the following to overcome this issue: