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How to limit the available Date ranges with the

I need to limit what Dates a user can pick from the

I can't seem to figure out how to limit the min Date so they can't pick past dates.

If I can't do this with is there an alternative DateBox widget that will allow me this kind of flexibility?


  • Based on the suggestions I received, here is what I came up with that works on limiting the selectable dates to only the current day and after. This works on GWT 2.1.1

    final DateBox dateBox = new DateBox();
    dateBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Date>()
        public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<Date> dateValueChangeEvent)
            if (dateValueChangeEvent.getValue().before(today()))
                dateBox.setValue(today(), false);
    dateBox.getDatePicker().addShowRangeHandler(new ShowRangeHandler<Date>()
        public void onShowRange(final ShowRangeEvent<Date> dateShowRangeEvent)
            final Date today = today();
            Date d = zeroTime(dateShowRangeEvent.getStart());
            while (d.before(today))
                dateBox.getDatePicker().setTransientEnabledOnDates(false, d);
                d = nextDay(d);

    And for completeness here are the static helper methods for manipulating the dates:

    private static Date today()
        return zeroTime(new Date());
    /** this is important to get rid of the time portion, including ms */
    private static Date zeroTime(final Date date)
        return DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(date));
    private static Date nextDay(final Date date)
        return zeroTime(new Date(date.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));