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Problem with ValidationSummary

I have a little contact-page on my page. I have ~5 validators that can go wrong there and I have a ValidationSummary.

The problem ist, when I hit the "SubmitButton" the div wit all controls should disappear and the div with the ValidationSummary should appear.

But I have no idea how to realiza that, because on a normal button / linkbutton I will not have a postback visible / invisible the DIV's. With a postback, I will not have the information for the ValidationSummary.

Hope I could explain it correctly, so you understand me :)


  • The validation summary shows/hides itself, is that something you want to control? At any rate, you are right, you have to do this in client-side JavaScript.

    One way is to manually call the validation method Page_ClientValidate, and don't rely on the default validation functionality.

    Another way is to replace the default client functionality by doing:

    var fn = Page_ClientValidate;
    Page_ClientValidate = function(..) {
       var result = fn(..);
       if (!!result)
          //Invalid, swap divs
       return result;

    Take a look at the validation methods available to you on the client, that you can use this technique to override the default implementations:
