Assume the following two database models:
Owner: id
, name
Pet: id
, name
, owner
where Pet.owner
is a foreign key to the Owner
's id
Can you query all users with a name similar to Denise that have pets with a name similar to Bella, using the criteria builder join?
The SQL query would look similar to:
SELECT o FROM Owner o JOIN Pet p ON = p.owner
WHERE LIKE 'Denise' AND LIKE 'Bella'
Sorting options will also be used, so it is only possible to use the criteria queries, instead of creating a typed query directly (and setting parameters).
For sure it is. You can do with Criteria API everything you can do with JPQL.
Read a tutorial:
Your query will look like this:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Owner> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Owner.class);
Root<Pet> pet = criteriaQuery.from(Pet.class);
Join<Pet, Owner> owner = pet.join(Pet_.owner);
.and(, "Denise"),, "Bella")));
List<Owner> resultList = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery).getResultList();