I have a form for creating new Missions with an Admin account. Each Mission is linked to an account. When I visit admin/missions/new I get an error "ArgumentError in Admin::Missions#new". Can anyone point to what I'm doing wrong?
When I checked the rails console a mission id and name does show up, but I guess I'm missing the Admin for the mission.
Here's my Controller
class Admin::MissionsController < Admin::ApplicationController
def index
@missions = missions
def new
@mission = current_account.missions.new(params[:mission])
def create
render plain: params[:mission].inspect
def edit
@mission = missions.find(params[:id])
def missions
@missions ||= current_account.missions
Here's my form
<%= form_with [:admin, @mission] do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
I'm expecting the url admin/missions/new to take me to the form, but I I get the argument error wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)
You don't have params yet in the new action as the view (where the form which has to collect the params is) is rendered after the controller code. The object should be created in the create action:
def create
And the new action should be just:
def new
@mission = current_account.missions.new
Check the Binding a Form to an Object section of the Rails guide.
The form code seems also to be wrong, as form_with [:admin, @mission] do |f|
is not a valid syntax. It should be:
<%= form_with model: [:admin, @mission] do |form| %>
Check form_with
documentation for more details.