Hello every one while exploring alternative to google maps reverse Geo-coding service i have come across openstreet map nominatim service but i cant seem to figure out what is the address29 field in the address object returned in the response
for eg i hit the api https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=24.9128455&lon=67.002839&zoom=18&addressdetails=1
no address29 field is shown but when i hit this url
you can see the field
This question has been partly answered at here:
you're missing osm's class and type fields. they are what you need when you see things like address100, address29, etc.
From my understanding, fields such as address29
are specific address parts for which there is no description yet defined in Nominatim.
In your case, "address29":"AGP Limited"
comes from the short_name
tag of node 6556946279. The short_name is a commonly used abbreviation of the name.