I'm setting up an advanced search for a jobboard and I need to find resumes by contract, knowing that a resume can have multiple contracts.
I have a form where you can choose which type of contract you are looking for (It's a ChoiceType::class with multiple => true)
In my repository :
public function findByContract(array $contract)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->andWhere('r.contract = :con')
->setParameter('con', array($contract))
In my controller :
public function index(Request $request, ResumeRepository $resumeRepository)
$formSearch = $this->createForm(ResumeSearchFormType::class);
if ($formSearch->isSubmitted() && $formSearch->isValid()) {
$data = $formSearch->getData();
$r = $resumeRepository->findByContract($data->getContract());
var_dump($r); die;
This var_dump() returns an empty array.
I don't know how to set multiple parameters for the same key
Use IN
public function findByContract(array $contract)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->andWhere('r.contract IN (:contracts)')
->setParameter('contracts', $contract)