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Is EXDATE not included in rrule for Full Calendar

I have a recurring calendar event that happens on the 4th Friday of every month and I want to exclude 1 Friday event. I've tried EXDATE but I'm getting an error

Failure passing JSON

Without EXDATE the rrule works fine.

Here are the details that I'm using in Full Calendar to produce the event

    start: "2019-07-06T09:00:00+10:00",
    end: "2019-07-06T15:00:00+10:00",
    rrule: "FREQ=WEEKLY;DTSTART=20190607T090000;EXDATE=20190705T090000;INTERVAL=4;BYDAY=FR",
    title: "Weed Spraying",
    description: "June, Harry, Pat, George, Valda, Helen, Karen, Ken",
    color: "red",
    url: "./?action=detail_view&id=22",
    duration: "06:00"


  • It is possible to add exceptions. You just need to format the RRule string correct:


    Watch this code sandbox for a demo