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How to get the current number of lines in String of TextInput?

After entering text in TextInput I want to know the currunt number of lines in TextInput. Or The current number of strings is also possible.

I've tried string.split('\n').length, but this code does not detect that the line is automatically incremented when the text is larger than the screen.

How do I get the number of lines

When I make this feature in Swift Implemented using the string.enumerateLines function.

Do you have a similar function?


  • As far as I know, there is no offical way to get the currently used number of lines, but I have a workaround for you:

    We make use of the onLayout method of our TextInput and we keep track of the currently used height. We need two state variables:

    this.state = {
          height: 0, // here we track the currently used height
          usedLines: 0,// here we calculate the currently used lines 


      _onLayout(e) {
         console.log('e', e.nativeEvent.layout.height);
         // the height increased therefore we also increase the usedLine counter
         if (this.state.height < e.nativeEvent.layout.height) {
             this.setState({usedLines: this.state.usedLines+1}); 
         // the height decreased, we subtract a line from the line counter 
         if (this.state.height > e.nativeEvent.layout.height){
             this.setState({usedLines: this.state.usedLines-1}); 
         // update height if necessary
         if (this.state.height != e.nativeEvent.layout.height){
             this.setState({height: e.nativeEvent.layout.height});

    Render Method

      render() {
        console.log('usedLines', this.state.usedLines);
        return (
          <View style={styles.container}>
            <TextInput multiline style={{backgroundColor: 'green'}} onLayout={(e)=> this._onLayout(e)} />

    Working Example: