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How to use map[string]*string

I'm trying to use sarama (Admin mode) to create a topic. Without the ConfigEntries works fine. But I need to define some configs.

I set up the topic config (Here is happening the error):

    tConfigs := map[string]*string{
        "cleanup.policy":      "delete",
        "": "36000000",

But then I get an error:

./main.go:99:28: cannot use "delete" (type string) as type *string in map value
./main.go:100:28: cannot use "36000000" (type string) as type *string in map value

I'm trying to use the admin mode like this:

err = admin.CreateTopic(t.Name, &sarama.TopicDetail{
    NumPartitions:     1,
    ReplicationFactor: 3,
    ConfigEntries:     tConfigs,
}, false)

Here is the line from the sarama module that defines CreateTopic()

Basically, I didn't understand how the map of pointers strings works :)


  • To initialize a map having string pointer value type with a composite literal, you have to use string pointer values. A string literal is not a pointer, it's just a string value.

    An easy way to get a pointer to a string value is to take the address of a variable of string type, e.g.:

    s1 := "delete"
    s2 := "36000000"
    tConfigs := map[string]*string{
        "cleanup.policy":      &s1,
        "": &s2,

    To make it convenient when used many times, create a helper function:

    func strptr(s string) *string { return &s }

    And using it:

    tConfigs := map[string]*string{
        "cleanup.policy":      strptr("delete"),
        "": strptr("36000000"),

    Try the examples on the Go Playground.

    See background and other options here: How do I do a literal *int64 in Go?