Search code examples

SABRE BFM Eurostar search, no results for standard premier & business premier classes

We're using Sabre's Rest BFM Api. We can search for Eurostar tickets in standard class. However, searching for either Standard Premier or Business Premier never returns any results.

  "Target": "Production",
  "POS": {
    "Source": [
        "PseudoCityCode": "",
        "RequestorID": {
          "Type": "1",
          "ID": "",
          "CompanyName": {

  "OriginDestinationInformation": [
      "RPH": "1",
      "DepartureDateTime": "2019-07-17T00:00:00",
      "OriginLocation": {
        "LocationCode": "QQS"
      "DestinationLocation": {
        "LocationCode": "XPG"
      "TPA_Extensions": {
        "SegmentType": {
          "Code": "O"
  "TravelPreferences": {
    "ValidInterlineTicket": true,
    "CabinPref": [
        "Cabin": "Z",
        "PreferLevel": "Preferred"
    "TPA_Extensions": {
      "TripType": {
        "Value": "Return"
      "LongConnectTime": {
        "Min": 780,
        "Max": 1200,
        "Enable": true
      "ExcludeCallDirectCarriers": {
        "Enabled": false
  "TravelerInfoSummary": {
    "SeatsRequested": [
    "AirTravelerAvail": [
        "PassengerTypeQuantity": [
            "Code": "ADT",
            "Quantity": 1
  "TPA_Extensions": {
    "IntelliSellTransaction": {
      "RequestType": {
        "Name": "50ITINS"

We're not receiving any results, nor an any error messages. I have tried to contact Sabre, but I'm yet to receive a reply.


  • I guess its due to

     "CabinPref": [
            "Cabin": "Z",
            "PreferLevel": "Preferred"

    Have you looked up the cabin code in the RBD for the "carrier"?

    And why have you specified that this is a return trip if you only specify 1 RPH?