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How can I extract the Matrix data from a mesh?

I drew a mesh in Matlab. The data for the mesh was supplied with a filled 3d Matrix. Nothing special with that.

I saved the created figure and came back to it now. I want to create a different plot with the same data. Is there a way to extract the matrix data from the mesh so I can reuse it?


  • With some luck, following solution could work:

    Load the figure file:
    fig = openfig('fig_file_name.fig');

    Get the surface data from the axes of the figure (assuming surface is the first "children"):
    s = fig.CurrentAxes.Children(1);

    Look for your data in s.XData, s.YData and s.ZData.

    Better solution is using findobj (instead of fig.CurrentAxes.Children(1)) use:

    s = findobj(fig, 'type', 'Surface');