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How to style the selector of a RadDataForm ListPicker

I'm having a RadDataForm in a Nativescript-Angular App.

This RadDataForm shows a Listpicker for one of my properties.

I have read about styling the components of a RadDataForm but it's missing the part about how to style the "wheel texts" that are shown when I change the date. (Or am I missing something?)

They stay black but I need them in another color (i.e. white)

I already solved this for the DatePicker but that does not work for Listpicker "correctly" --> It is changing color after I change selection.

I have a playground setup and testing it with an iOS Device.


  • After searching around a lot I found the Nativescript-Example App.

    Inside this App there is also a RadDataForm with a Listpicker that is styled. The App also shows the used code for the example.

    Inside my component I have:

    onEditorSetup(event: DataFormEventData) {
        const property = this.myDataForm.dataForm.getPropertyByName(event.propertyName);
        const t = property.editor.type;
        if (t === DataFormEditorType.Picker) {
            console.log("found picker editor for " + property.displayName);
            if (app.ios) {
    setupPickerViewEditor(event: DataFormEventData) {
            console.log("setting up editor: " + event.editor);
            const delegate =;
            this.delegates.set(event.propertyName, delegate); // storing the delegate cause they are weak references.
            event.editor.pickerView.delegate = delegate;

    My Implementation for the picker delegate that has a white text is:

    export class UIPickerViewDelegateImplementation extends NSObject implements UIPickerViewDelegate {
        static ObjCProtocols = [UIPickerViewDelegate];
        static new(): UIPickerViewDelegateImplementation {
            return <UIPickerViewDelegateImplementation>;
        private _owner: any; // TKDataFormPickerViewEditor
        initWithOwner(owner: any /* TKDataFormPickerViewEditor */): UIPickerViewDelegateImplementation {
            this._owner = owner;
            return this;
        pickerViewTitleForRowForComponent(pickerView: UIPickerView, row: number, component: number): string {
            return this._owner.options[row];
        pickerViewDidSelectRowInComponent(pickerView: UIPickerView, row: number, component: number): void {
            this._owner.selectedIndex = row;
        pickerViewAttributedTitleForRowForComponent(pickerView: UIPickerView, row: number, component: number): NSAttributedString {
            const title = this.pickerViewTitleForRowForComponent(pickerView, row, component);
            const attr = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectForKey(UIColor.whiteColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName);
            const res = NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithStringAttributes(title, attr);
            return res;