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How to programatically add product images in django oscar?

I am currently programatically importing products into my product catalog, however, I am having difficulty uploading images for each product. Here's what my code looks like:

# frobshop/custom_utils/

from oscar.apps.catalogue.models import Product

for product in my_product_import_list:
    product_entry = Product()
    product_entry.title = my_product_title
    product_entry.product_class = my_product_class
    product_entry.category = my_category
    product_entry.primary_image = "product_images/my_product_filename.jpg"

The details such as product title and product class are successfully saved when I check using the development server, however, I am unsure how to set an image for each product.

The entire product_images folder was initially located outside of my media directory, but since I wasn't getting any results, I copy pasted the entire folder of my images into the media directory but still with no results. I am assuming that quite a number of steps are being skipped, and maybe there's a convention on how to arrange images in the media directory. However, I am not sure where to find these steps and conventions.

Here's the portion of my file that deals with my installed apps, the media directory, and static files:

# frobshop/frobshop/






] + get_core_apps(['custom_apps.shipping', 'custom_apps.payment', 'custom_apps.checkout'])


STATIC_ROOT = 'static'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
MEDIA_ROOT = 'media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

For further clarity, here's my

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from import application
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),
    url(r'', application.urls),
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)


  • I think you can do it like this using File class:

    from django.core.files import File
    for product in my_product_import_list:
        product_entry = Product()
        product_entry.title = my_product_title
        product_entry.product_class = my_product_class
        product_entry.category = my_category
        image = File(open("product_images/my_product_filename.jpg", 'rb'))
        product_entry.primary_image = image


    probably you should use OSCAR_MISSING_IMAGE_URL in settings:

    OSCAR_MISSING_IMAGE_URL = "product_images/my_product_filename.jpg"  # relative path from media root

    Alternatively, you can use ProductImage, like this:

        from oscar.apps.catalogue.models import ProductImage
        product_entry = Product()
        product_entry.title = my_product_title
        product_entry.product_class = my_product_class
        product_entry.category = my_category
        product_image = ProductImage()
        image = File(open("product_images/my_product_filename.jpg", 'rb'))
        product_image.original = image
        product_image.caption = "Some Caption"
        product_image.product = product_entry

    As ProductImage has a ForignKey relation to Product Model, and primary_image is a method in Product model, which takes image from ProductImage model, and returns the first one(ProductImage objects ordered by display_order field in that field)